Following Christ, Building the Community

The mission of New Hope Shelter, Inc. is to provide a sanctuary for those experiencing homelessness in Harvey, Marion, Butler, and McPherson Counties by uniting the local church into a nurturing community which restores hope through a growing relationship with Christ.


New Hope Shelter is a 501c3 non-profit funded solely through contributions from area churches, businesses, and individuals.

Twenty-six local churches team up on rotation to supply the shelter with volunteer staff and evening meals for a week at a time.

We house men, women, and families in our facility on 308 S Meridian Road. 

Our Story

Our Team

On January 1st, 2017, the Harvey County Homeless Shelter, Inc. transformed into New Hope Shelter, Inc.

New Hope Shelter, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit Christian outreach ministry for those in Harvey, Marion, Butler, and McPherson Counties who are in need of one night shelter to longer term transitional housing. New Hope fulfills the gospel by providing for the needs of our neighbor (Acts 2:45) and loving them as we love ourselves (Matthew 22:39). 

Founded as the Harvey County Homeless Shelter, Inc. in 2005, we have experienced constant transition. Through the transitions we have grown as a ministry and developed a program to bring people closer to Christ, stability, and hope. 

New Hope Shelter, Inc. is supported 24 hours a day by dedicated paid staff, over six-hundred volunteers, twenty-six local churches, and numerous area businesses.

Staff works to build relationships with each resident, understanding their unique needs, and ministers to help them grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually so they can move past the shelter and find a productive and healthy life.

The Board of Directors of New Hope Shelter is comprised of local individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to continue the mission of New Hope.


To ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers, and residents, all residents are required to follow the rules and regulations of the New Hope Shelter as well as those enforced within the Newton community. New Hope performs criminal history background checks on every new resident and does not provide services for registered or unregistered sex offenders, registered violent offenders, or registered drug offenders. New Hope has zero tolerance for substance abuse or violence. New Hope performs random drug screens and breathalyzers not only to hold residents accountable but to ensure the safety of the residents and volunteers.

We do what we can to keep both our residents and our volunteers safe and comfortable as they work together to form better lives and a better world.

Programs we offer

New Hope Shelter offers three distinct programs:

  • Short Term Residency - This program is for those who enter the shelter from outside of our four-county service area and for those needing short term shelter.

    • Length of stay is up to 5 days.

  • Life Restoration Program - This is an intensive, Christ-centered program to restore stability and hope in people's lives.

  • Requirements include:

    • Residency in Harvey, Marion, Butler, or McPherson Counties.

    • (Monday-Friday) courses in Bible study, Christ-centered 12-step recovery, and individual Case management.

    • Length of stay is up to 90 days.

  • Food Pantry - New Hope Shelter provides food box distribution to residents of Harvey County (KS).

    • Community members are eligible for food boxes once every 3 months.

    • Food boxes are available daily from 8 am - 8 pm.

What We Believe

There is only one true God, Who made all things in heaven and on earth. Genesis 1:1

Jesus is God the Son, the second member of the Trinity. Matthew 28:19

Jesus was born of a virgin to become man and to take our sins, past, present, and future, upon Himself. Isaiah 7:14

Jesus was crucified, died and was buried. Matthew 27: 35 - 60

Jesus’ sacrificial blood alone can save us from the consequences of sin. Leviticus 17:11

Jesus was raised from the dead, defeating death and taking away our sins. Luke 24:6

Jesus now sits at His Father’s right hand to judge the righteous and unrighteous. John 5:22

Jesus is coming back. Revelation 22:12

Staff & Board

Executive Director
Corrie Edwards

Shelter Coordinator / Volunteer Coordinator
Jeremy Hadaway

Office Manager: Edee Buller-Breer

Staff: Kimberly Ramsey, Glenda Ryan, Betty Widener, Jacob Hamilton, Zachariah Edwards

Current Board Members

Caleb Hanke, President 

Pat Nulf, Vice President 

James Enz, Treasurer

Janet Fulmer, Secretary

Patrick Cherney

Nancy Diepenbrock

Ruby Moore

Curtis Wiebe

Marvin Zehr