Whether it is the continuing war in Ukraine, or the recent conflict related to selection of the Speaker of the House, or the latest Twitter war that hits the newsfeed; it is evident that people are in need of reconciliation. We talk about it sometimes, but it is important to know exactly how it is defined: “the restoration of friendly relations.” The restoration of relations on the societal level and in the big picture is important, but it is equally important, if not more important on a personal level.
Paul writes in II Corinthians 5:18 “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” Later in verse 19 he says, “And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.”
At the New Hope Shelter, we are involved with the ministry and message of reconciliation. On November 15, 2022, a young man came into the Shelter totally estranged from his family. He sought and found employment. He interacted with other residents, staff and volunteers and benefited from our classes.
I am happy to report that on January 13 he flew down to Florida to rejoin his family. He is reconciled with them after several years and will be living with them as he seeks employment. It is your help and support that made this possible.
We Love You.
Brian Bisbee
A Big Thanks To
To those of you who made Christmas special for our residents.
To those of you who volunteered in support of New Hope Shelter during 2022.
To those of you who supported New Hope financially during 2022.
We are $331,655 short of completing our fundraising for our new Building at 308 South Meridian Road—Newton. We are prepared to accept contributions in a variety of forms including appreciated stocks. When we complete that fundraising, we secure the $1,000,000 Mabee challenge grant we have been promised.
If you or someone you know can help, please contact Brian Bisbee at 316-283-7711.
We will take your leftovers from a breakfast, lunch, or Family dinner. We use the leftovers to provide our lunches. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 316-283-7711
We have a great Board. New Hope Shelter could use a couple more Board members. If God has put it on your heart to serve in this way, please give Brian a call at 316-283-7711.
Become a Facebook Friend of the New Hope Shelter
Lucheon Meat
Pudding Cups
39+ Gallon Trash Bags
Paper Towel
Scotch Tape
Toilet Paper
Our mission at New Hope Shelter, Inc. is to provide a sanctuary for those experiencing homelessness in Harvey, Marion, McPherson and Butler counties by uniting the local church into a nurturing community which restores hope through a growing relationship with Christ.
It is through the love of Christ we share with those in need of hope.
Executive Director - Brian Bisbee
New Hope Shelter, Inc
900 W Broadway St Bldg 7
Newton, KS 67114-2010